Pumping through Plyometric exercises

What is plyometrics?
Plyometrics are exercises where muscles are stretched and contracted rapidly. Think of jumping, hopping, or sudden movements. These workouts develop explosive power – the ability to exert maximum effort in a short amount of time. They help muscles work faster and more efficiently.

Who is plyometrics suitable for?
Many people think that it is only for professional athletes. But in fact, plyometrics is useful for everyone, regardless of fitness level. Here’s what it does:

Best exercises for beginners

If you’re just starting out, try these simple moves:

  1. Squat jumps.
    Squat down, then jump up sharply with your arms outstretched. Land softly in a squat and repeat.

  2. Box step
    Stand in front of a low step. Step onto it with one foot, bringing the other knee up to your chest. Step off and repeat with the other leg.

  3. Side jumps
    From a light squat, jump to the right, landing softly on one foot. Then immediately jump to the left.

  4. Plyometric push-ups
    Assume a supine position. Lower yourself down, then push up sharply so your hands come off the floor. Land softly and repeat.

Exercises for muscle growth

Plyometrics not only develops strength, but also helps you build muscle. Here are some effective movements:

  1. Medball throws
    Hold the ball above your head, then throw it forcefully to the floor. Catch it on the bounce and repeat.

  2. Box jumps
    Jump off a low box, then immediately jump onto a higher one. Carefully lower yourself down and repeat.

  3. Plyometric lunges
    Do a lunge, then jump up, changing legs in the air. Land in a lunge on the other leg.

  4. Kettlebell swings
    Hold a kettlebell with both hands. Bend over, bringing the kettlebell between your legs, then straighten up sharply, raising it to chest level.

Plyometrics is not just for professionals.It is suitable for everyone who wants to become stronger, more enduring and improve their form.
Start with simple exercises and gradually increase the load. The main thing is to do everything technically and safely!

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