How to calculate daily calories

Calorie needs depend on activity level, metabolism age and training goals. There is no universal value and it is important to find your own balance.
I will simply tell you about the values I myself employ when training.

Calorie intake per 1 kg body weight.

I consume both of them for gaining muscle weight and my most rigorous training.
When it exceeds 40-45 (50) kcal/kg,
I get stuffed in a matter of very little time.

When it’s 20-25 (30) kcal/kg, I don’t feel any muscle development at all. But yes, I begin losing weight rapidly.

Your will be different within +/- 5 kcal/ per 1 body weight.

So, you will have to calculate your balance and already your numbers. And discover at what figures?/kg, you feel the most comfortable.

Calorie balance is the key to effective weight gain or weight loss. Match the optimal kcal/kg range to your training and goals to get the best results without overloading your body!

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