How to pump up biceps: the best exercises and tips

Want to increase the size of your biceps? The main thing is the right exercises, technique and regularity. Let’s understand what movements will give maximum results and how to optimize training.

Best exercises for biceps

Pull-ups with a barbell are great for general development. Proper technique helps build strength and muscle mass.

Dumbbell arm curls – bending your arms with dumbbells will help work another part of your biceps. This muscle is called the brachialis, it is located underneath the biceps and gives it overall thickness. In some people, you can see this little ball bulging out the side when it is fully developed. It can also help develop the brachialis muscle, which contributes to the health of the forearm and elbow.

Reverse curl sets – this will also help strengthen the brachialis muscle and give your biceps an overall shape

Incline biceps curls – with this variation of biceps curls, more emphasis is placed on stretching the biceps. There are studies that confirm that stretching promotes hypertrophy and it is a good exercise for the biceps.

Pull-ups on the bar – this exercise works out your back, but it actually puts a decent amount of strain on your biceps. Remember to tense your biceps at the top point to get more output from them.

How to make your workouts more effective?

✔ Different loading angles – perform exercises in front of your body, next to your body and behind your back to engage all areas of the biceps.
✔ Isometrics – hold at the top of the movement to maximize the load.
✔ Slow negatives – lower the weight for 3-4 seconds to increase muscle growth.
✔ Basic exercises – these don’t directly load the biceps, but help develop overall strength.

How many times a week should I train my biceps?

Optimally 2-3 times a week, varying the repetition range. This gives better recovery and different stimuli for growth.

Nutrition for biceps growth

🥩 Caloric surplus – need more energy to gain mass.
💪 1g protein per pound of weight (2.2g per 1kg) – for muscle recovery and growth.
😴 Sleep and recovery – without it, muscles won’t grow.

Training, nutrition and recovery are important for biceps growth. Perform key exercises, distribute the load correctly, watch your nutrition – and the result will not wait!

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